Quinta do Lambert
This project was focused on the refurbishment of an 84 m2 apartment in Quinta do Lambert, Lisbon. Due to the old fashioned finishings with poor quality, a need for transformation emerged, highlighting the concrete structure and the luminous single front.
The intervention kept the spatial organisation but rescued the fundamental characteristic of the building, using the concrete structure to clearly shape the dwelling. The kitchen and the bathroom were increased and the corridor was adjusted accordingly, establishing a clearer connection and functionality between the spaces.
The kitchen was upgraded to a space that lights the house. It connects directly to the living room and to the corridor through a double pivoting door with glass windows, allowing the light to reach these spaces. This relationship between spaces and light transforms the kitchen in the epicentre of the house, generating a transparent and functional core.
The bathroom has also been extended and upgraded in order to improve its functionality and comfort. New furniture was added and reorganised, such as a larger shower area, a generous mirror, adjusted storage spaces and matching sanitary equipment.
The intervention in the closets and doors was essential to the project, defining the visual cohesion of the corridor and its connections to the rest of the house. This path’s perspective was emphasised through the alignment of the walls, doors, door frames and skirting boards, the use of subte opening systems and the materials and textures combination.
In the same way, the finishings and furniture were modernised with a minimal style, using solid afzelia timber to punctuate the clean white with colour and texture, thus generating a bright and intimate ambience.
The project established a clear intention, where the spatial qualities are enhanced with light but well-defined trajectories and movements.
Lisboa, 2021–2022
Mafalda Neuparth Arquitectos
Mafalda Neuparth, Catarina Garrido Paulo, Izabel Barboni
Light Design
Vítor Nunes Marçal
Nuno Almendra